Human Resource Management Hrm Big Collection Set 21

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This set of Human Resource Management (HRM) big collection Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Human Resource Management Hrm Big Collection Set 21

Q1 | Ranking of all employees, measuring a specific trait such as communicating is measured in
Q2 | When Human Relations training is given to managers the method adopted is:
Q3 | Improving current and future management performance is called
Q4 | When company offers specific marketing, which is not available by others is strategy of
Q5 | Cultural Diversity explained by Greet Hofstede has four components. Which of the following is not a part of it?
Q6 | Which of the following functions of HRM deals with ‘Collective Bargaining’?
Q7 | E-recruiting methods include ?
Q8 | Job analysis information can be collectedthrough
Q9 | Fairness of individual’s job pay rates in comparison to employees within firm is included in
Q10 | Employees that are to be retired in nearest times are of
Q11 | Credit managers tend to be classified as personality oriented of
Q12 | ‘refreezing stage’ considers
Q13 | Which of the following is not a cross cultural theory of international HRM?
Q14 | A written statement of policies and principles that guides the behavior of all employees is called
Q15 | System which is usually based on information technology, is
Q16 | The process which best defines the locating and, encouraging potential employeesto apply for jobs is
Q17 | The focus of Human Resource Management revolves around ?
Q18 | According to Edwin Flippo, the first and immediate product of job analysis is
Q19 | A technique is used for obtaining information from person orally and directly iscalled
Q20 | The objectives of HRM are categorized as
Q21 | Scope of the HRM includes
Q22 | Which of the following training programmes is meant for a new employee?
Q23 | Recruitment is widely viewed as a process
Q24 | Competency-based-job-analysis means defining job in terms of
Q25 | An employee’s salary paid for his skillsand knowledge is called