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This set of Computer Architecture Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Computer Architecture Set 5

Q1 | What is subroutine nesting?
Q2 | The order in which the return addresses are generated and used is
Q3 | In case of nested subroutines the return addresses are stored in
Q4 | The appropriate return addresses are obtained with the help of          in case of nested routines.
Q5 | When parameters are being passed on to the subroutines they are stored in
Q6 | The most efficient way of handling parameter passing is by using               
Q7 | The most Flexible way of logging the return addresses of the subroutines is by using                 
Q8 | The private work space dedicated to a subroutine is called as                   
Q9 | If the subroutine exceeds the private space allocated to it then the values are pushed onto                     
Q10 |               pointer is used to point to parameters passed or local parameters of the subroutine.
Q11 | The reserved memory or private space of the subroutine gets deallocated when                 
Q12 | The private space gets allocated to each subroutine when                     
Q13 |            the most suitable data structure used to store the return addresses in the case of nested subroutines.
Q14 | In the case of nested subroutines, the stack top is always                     
Q15 | The stack frame for each subroutine is present in               
Q16 | The data structure suitable for scheduling processes is                 
Q17 | The sub-routine service procedure is similar to that of the interrupt service routine in                   
Q18 | In memory-mapped I/O                           
Q19 | The usual BUS structure used to connect the I/O devices is                         
Q20 | In intel’s IA-32 architecture there is a separate 16 bit address space for the I/O devices.
Q21 | The system is notified of a read or write operation by                         
Q22 | To overcome the lag in the operating speeds of the I/O device and the processor we use                         
Q23 | The method of accessing the I/O devices by repeatedly checking the status flags is                         
Q24 | The method of synchronising the processor with the I/O device in which the device sends a signal when it is ready is?
Q25 | The interrupt-request line is a part of the