Morphology of Animals (Cockroach) Set 3

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This set of Biology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Morphology of Animals (Cockroach) Set 3

Q1 | Write location and numbers of malpighian tubules in periplaneta.
Q2 | In Cockroch colour of malpighian tubules is .......... and their .......... end is blind.
Q3 | In Cockroach wall of each malpighian tubule is lined by ..........and ..........cells.
Q4 | Which of the following is the function of malpighian tubules of Cockraoch ?
Q5 | In Cockroach by which process malpighian tubules absorb waste from the haemocoel ?
Q6 | In Cockroach waste products collected is malpighian tubules will first enter in .......... .
Q7 | With reference to excretion, Cockroach is .......... animal.
Q8 | Out of following which ganglia unite to from nervering in nervous system of Cockroach ?
Q9 | In Cockroach .......... ganglia innervate the mouth pairs.
Q10 | How many ganglia are present in abdominal region of Cockroach ?
Q11 | Which of the following is a group of senseorgans in Cockroach ?
Q12 | Which is the coorect word for vision of Cockroach ?
Q13 | .......... is the accessory reproductive gland with testis in male Cockroch.
Q14 | In male Cockroach the sperms stored in seminal vesicles form .......... .
Q15 | In male Cockroach testes are present in .......... segments of abdomen while mushroom glands occurs in .......... segments.
Q16 | Sperms from the spermatophores in male Cockroach are discharged during .......... .
Q17 | In each ovary of female Cockroach the most developed ova are placed at .......... .
Q18 | During copulation, in female Cockroach ovum comes in the .......... which is present in ..........cockroach.
Q19 | Fertilization occurs in Cockroach in .......... .
Q20 | Cockroach is a .......... animal and development is .......... .
Q21 | Ootheca of Cockroach has .......... eggs which are .......... .
Q22 | The nymph of Cockroach grows into an adult Cockroach by moulting .......... times.
Q23 | Howmany abdominal segments are present in male and female Cockroach ? (Kerala PMT 2008)
Q24 | Excretory matter of Cockroach is mainly .......... . (UP, PMT 2009)
Q25 | Which animal secrete uric acid ? (AIPMT 2009)