Molecular Basis of Inheritance Set 3

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This set of Biology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Molecular Basis of Inheritance Set 3

Q1 | How many bases consist in an average gene ?
  • 3, 00, 000
  • 3000
  • 4, 00, 000
  • 4000
Q2 | Match the following using salient features of Human genome project A B(P) Less than 2 % genome (i) 3 billion nucleotide bases(Q) Chromosome 1 (ii) 231 genes(R) Y chromosome (iii) 2968 genes(S) Human genome (iv) codes for protein
  • (P - iv) (Q - iii) ( R - ii) ( S - i)
  • ( P - iv) (Q - ii) (R - iii) (S - i)
  • (P - iv) (Q - i) (R - ii) (S - iii)
  • (P - i) (Q - iii) (R - iv) (S - ii)
Q3 | State the use of moleculer medicine ?
  • Improves diagnosis of diseases
  • Used as gene theraphy
  • Used to understand several diseass like Alzheimer’s Parkinsons diseases etc.,
  • All the above
Q4 | Among the following which is used for separation of DNA fragments ?
  • centifugation
  • Cell fractionation
  • Cell homogenation
  • Electrophoresis
Q5 | In Which of the following DNA not directly involved ?
  • Repication
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Transformation
Q6 | Transcription begins when one of the following enzymes binds to promotor site.
  • DNA polymerase
  • RNA polymerase
  • helicase
  • Gyrase
Q7 | What dose A & B represent ?
  • Grycase , Helicase
  • Double Stranded Protein, Helicase
  • Helicase, Single strand binding protein
  • Topoisomerase Helicase
Q8 | State the process and mention the labelled protion.
  • Process of Translation - X-RNA Polymerase- Y-DNA Template- Z-m RNA Transcript
  • process of Transcription - X-RNA Polymerase- Y-DNA Template- Z- RNA Transcript
  • process of Translocation - X-DNA polymerase- Y- Template- Z- Transcript
  • Process of Transformation - X - DNA polymerase- Y - RNA template- Z - RNA transcript
Q9 | What do P, Q, R and S regions of t RNA ?
  • P - Anticodon loop
  • P. D LoopQ - Variable loop Q - T ? c loopR - T ? c loop R - Variable loopS - D Loop S - Anticodon loop
  • P - T ? c loop
  • P - Anticodon LoopQ - D loop Q - T ? c loop R - Anticodon loop R - D loop S - Variable loop S - Variable loop
Q10 | Which state is represent by the above model
  • Repressed state of lac operon
  • Inactive state of Lac operon
  • Active state of Lac operon
  • Induced state of Lac operon
Q11 | What does X replesent in the above diagram
  • Released polypeptide chain
  • Released 3D protein molecule
  • Released secondary protein
  • Released tertiary protein
Q12 | What does ‘X’ represent
  • gene
  • segment of DNA
  • seqment of DNA coding for specific protein
  • Both A & C
Q13 | Write the codon for the anticodon on the t - RNA
  • AGU
  • UGU
  • UGA
  • ACU
Q14 | In the genetic code dictionary how many codons are used to code for all the 20 essential amino-acids?(AIPMT - 2003)
  • 20
  • 64
  • 61
  • 60
Q15 | What would happen if in a gene encoding polypeptide of 50 aminoacids 25th codon (UAU) is mutated to UAA ? (AIPMT - 2003)
  • A Polypeptide of 24 aminoacids will be formed
  • Two polypeptides of 24 and 25 aminoacids will be formed
  • A polypeptide of 49 aminoacids will be formed
  • A polypeptide of 25 aminoacids will be formed
Q16 | Which one of the following triplet codes, is correctly matched with its specificity for an aminoacid in protein synthesis or as ‘start’ or ‘stop’ codon ?
  • UCG - start
  • UUU - stop
  • UGU - Leucine
  • UAC - Tyrosine
Q17 | What does “Lac” refer to in what we call the lac operon ? (AIPMT - 2003)
  • Lactose
  • Lactase
  • Lac insect
  • The number 1,00,000
Q18 | The following ratio is generally constant for a given species (AIPMT - 2004)
  • A + G / C + T
  • T + C / G + A
  • G + C / A + T
  • A + C / T + G
Q19 | During transcription if the nucleotide sequence of the DNA strand that is being coded is ATACGthen the nucleotide sequence in the m RNA would be (AIPMT - 2004)
  • T C T G G
  • U A U G C
  • U A T G C
Q20 | Which one of the following makes use of RNA template to synthesize DNA (AIPMT - 2005)
  • DNA polymerase
  • RNA polymerase
  • Reverse transcriptase
  • DNA dependant RNA polymerase
Q21 | Protein synthesis is an animal cell occurs (AIPMT - 2005)
  • only on the ribosomes present in cytosol
  • only on ribosomes attached to the nuclear envelope and endoplasmic reticulum
  • On ribosomes present in the nucleolus as well as in cytoplasm
  • on ribosomes present in cytoplasm as well as in mitochondria
Q22 | E coli cells with a mutant z gene of the lac operon cannot grow in medium containing only lactose asthe source of energy because (AIPMT - 2005)
  • the lac operon is constitutively active in these cells
  • they cannot synthesize functional beta galactosidase
  • in the presence of glucose E Coli cell do not utilize lactose
  • they cannot transport lactose from the medium into the cell
Q23 | Aminoacid Sequence in protein synthesis is decided by the sequence of (AIPMT - 2006)
  • r RNA
  • t- RNA
  • m RNA
  • c DNA
Q24 | Antiparallel strands of a DNA molecule means that (AIPMT - 2006)
  • One strand turns clockwise
  • One strand turns anticlockwise
  • The phosphate groups of two DNA strands , at their ends share the same position
  • The phosphate groups at the start of two DNA strands are is opposite position (Pole).
Q25 | Polysome is formed by (AIPMT - 2008)
  • a ribosome with several subunits
  • ribosomes attached to each other in a linear arrangement
  • several ribosomes attached to a single m RNA
  • many ribosomes attached to a strand of endoplasmic reticulum