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This set of Digital Electronics and Logic Design Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Digital Electronics And Logic Design Set 2

Q1 | The code where all successive numbers differ from their preceding number by single bit is
Q2 | -8 is equal to signed binary number
Q3 | DeMorgan’s first theorem shows the equivalence of
Q4 | When signed numbers are used in binary arithmetic, then which one of the following notations would have unique representation for zero.
Q5 | The decimal equivalent of Binary number 11010 is
Q6 | 1’s complement representation of decimal number of -17 by using 8 bit
Q7 | The excess 3 code of decimal number 26 is
Q8 | How many AND gates are required to realize Y = CD+EF+G
Q9 | The hexadecimal number for (95.5)10 is
Q10 | The octal equivalent of (247) 10 is
Q11 | The number 140 in octal is equivalent to
Q12 | The NOR gate output will be low if the two inputs are
Q13 | Convert decimal 153 to octal. Equivalent in octal will be
Q14 | The decimal equivalent of ( 1100)2 is
Q15 | The binary equivalent of (FA)16 is
Q16 | How many two-input AND and OR gates are required to realize Y=CD+EF+G
Q17 | The excess-3 code of decimal 7 is represented by
Q18 | When an input signal A=11001 is applied to a NOT gate serially, its output signal is
Q19 | The result of adding hexadecimal number A6 to 3A is
Q20 | A universal logic gate is one, which can be used to generate any logic function. Which of the following is a universal logic gate?
Q21 | Karnaugh map is used for the purpose of
Q22 | The 2’s complement of the number 1101110 is
Q23 | The decimal equivalent of Binary number 10101 is
Q24 | How many two input AND gates and two input OR gates are required to realize Y = BD+CE+AB
Q25 | Which of following are known as universal gates