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This set of Human Resource Management (HRM) Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Human Resource Management Set 32

Q1 | Identify which one is an added specific goal of Human resource management
Q2 | Identify the top most goal of Human resource management
Q3 | To achieve goals organizations require employees
Q4 | The amount of quality output for amount of input means
Q5 | Responding to employees and involving them in decision making referred to as
Q6 | The primary goal of Human resource management is to
Q7 | Methods for forecasting Human resource needs can be classified as either
Q8 | Personality test aims at
Q9 | HRD systems or possesses may include the following process mechanisms or sub systems
Q10 | Common uses of information generated via performance appraisal include all of the following except
Q11 | Successful career planning development requires action from
Q12 | A frequently used method for determining training needs involves
Q13 | The purpose of any Human resource information system is to
Q14 | It is useful to look up on Human resource department as providing three types of assistance
Q15 | Which of the following is not a reason for the increased use of Human resource department in the strategic planning process?
Q16 | The primary goal of Human resource management is to
Q17 | Which of the following is not a typically used procedure to reduce the total number of employees
Q18 | In which of the following kinds of interview, the questions are predetermined?
Q19 | Which of the following is the formal reward provided by organization that lends itself to being related to performance?
Q20 | The test, which samples and measures an applicant’s knowledge and skills for the purpose of employee selection is termed as
Q21 | An experienced employee offering guidance and support to a junior employee so that the later learns and advances in the organization is called
Q22 | The method of performance appraisal required to correct the tendency of a rater to give consistently high or low ratings to all the employee is
Q23 | Which of the following is not the main objective of Human resource development
Q24 | Which of the following can be considered as HRD functions
Q25 | Which of the following performance appraisal method, rates the appraise on various parameters on point scale