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This set of Usability Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Usability Engineering Set 5

Q1 | Backup and recovery procedures are primarily implemented to
Q2 | A technique that organizes data into groups to form non-redundant, stable, flexible, and adaptive entities is:
Q3 | Which of the following is not a factor in the failure of the systems developments projects?
Q4 | A software might allow a user to interact via
Q5 | _ helps meet psychological and cognitive processing needs, increases human confidence.
Q6 | What is the fundamental insight underlying the "cognitive walk through" method of evaluation?
Q7 | Which of the following is a design implication of our understanding of human attention?
Q8 | An informal narrative description of human activities or tasks in a story that allows exploration and discussion of contexts, needs, and requirements" describes which of the following?
Q9 | Mental model is a/ an                       of a device or a system
Q10 | What is the most important property that prototype should have?
Q11 | Metaphor is a cognitive process in which an experience is related to:
Q12 | A simplified model of Human Information Processign include human resources such as:
Q13 | The design of a keyboard layout reflects the                       concern in HCI
Q14 | Define life cycle model in HCI.
Q15 | Process oriented Main elementIssue, position and argumentsWhich design rationale suite the characteristic above?
Q16 | Which rule in Schneiderman Golden Rule suite the statement below"For every user action, to simplify new system sign up process, error correction system must be provided to facilitate user
Q17 | Choose THREE (3) senses in Multi-modal Technologyi. Touchii. Smelliii. Sound
Q18 | Which of the following is the handwriting recognition device?
Q19 | How many principle in universal design?
Q20 | Given a scenario where you have a very small user base, which evaluationstrategy would you select:
Q21 | Which of the following is/are false about Within-group study design?
Q22 | In user experiments, we have a Control Group to:
Q23 | Suppose you have designed two versions of your application and you show themto a set of 10 users one by one for a user study. Which of the following studydesigns does this signify?
Q24 | Which of the following is true about good design?
Q25 | HCI design standards include recommendations based on