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This set of Management Training and Development Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Management Training And Development Set 10

Q1 | Program that encourages young managers with high potential to remain with an organization byenabling them to advance more rapidly than those with less potential are called as.
Q2 | Career Plateau is likely to occur during.
Q3 | ________________Advises line management on appropriate interventions to improve individualand group performance.
Q4 | Most project managers are promoted from the __________ without having prior education andtraining in managerial functions
Q5 | The project manager is responsible for the projects interface management. The three types ofinterfaces to be managed are __________
Q6 | Once established, the project integration process must be maintained through continuous, effective__________ across interfaces.
Q7 | The direction phase focuses the employee on determining the type of career and work that will best leverage strengths and weaknesses and a general plan for achieving those objectives. One of the ways ofmaking a determination is through
Q8 | In order to appoint a lecturer for management, the senior faculty asked Mr. Ali to deliver a sample lecture to one of the MBA batch. The evaluation form is provided to students to grade Mr. Ali as acompetent teacher in terms of his communication & convincing abilities. What type of test is said to be conducted for the evaluation of Mr. Ali
Q9 | What measure should be needed to ensure effective recruitment
Q10 | Who collects information from institutions & organizations outside their own, and facilitate theorganizational personnels with that gathered information
Q11 | Which of the following can be used as terms to describe people who no longer need to go into acentrally located office to do their work, usually because of advances in technology
Q12 | Many organisations gather information from employees who have given notice of their intention toleave their job. What are these interviews usually called
Q13 | What may be particularly necessary as part of the training process where people are working inanother country
Q14 | What is the term used to describe the process of helping a new employee to settle quickly into theirjob so they become efficient and productive workers
Q15 | The process of developing and implementing an appropriate organization structure is called