Digital Principles And System Design Set 14

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This set of Digital Principles and System Design Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Digital Principles And System Design Set 14

Q1 | The parameter through which 16 distinct values can be represented is known as                  
Q2 | If the decimal number is a fraction then its binary equivalent is obtained by                  the number continuously by 2.
Q3 | The representation of octal number (532.2)8 in decimal is                  
Q4 | The decimal equivalent of the binary number (1011.011)2 is                  
Q5 | An important drawback of binary system is
Q6 | The decimal equivalent of the octal number (645)8 is              
Q7 | The largest two digit hexadecimal number is
Q8 | What is the addition of the binary numbers 11011011010 and 010100101?
Q9 | Representation of hexadecimal number (6DE)H in decimal:
Q10 | 100101 × 0110 = ?
Q11 | Perform multiplication of the binary numbers: 01001 × 01011 = ?
Q12 | Divide the binary numbers: 111101 ÷ 1001 and find the remainder
Q13 | Binary coded decimal is a combination of
Q14 | The decimal number 10 is represented in its BCD form as                      
Q15 | Carry out BCD subtraction for (68) – (61) using 10’s complement method.
Q16 | When numbers, letters or words are represented by a special group of symbols, this process is called
Q17 | A three digit decimal number requires                  for representation in the conventional BCD format.
Q18 | How many bits would be required to encode decimal numbers 0 to 9999 in straight binary codes?
Q19 | The excess-3 code for 597 is given by                      
Q20 | The decimal equivalent of the excess-3 number 110010100011.01110101 is                            
Q21 | In boolean algebra, the OR operation is performed by which properties?
Q22 | The expression for Absorption law is given by
Q23 | DeMorgan’s theorem states that                    
Q24 | (A + B)(A’ * B’) = ?
Q25 | According to boolean law: A + 1 = ?