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This set of Social Media Analytics (SMA) Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Social Media Analytics Set 11

Q1 | ______community is when people with common interests and know exactly whether they belong to a community or not
Q2 | Octoparse can be used for data extraction on
Q3 | __________features a web-based dashboard that shows real-time insights
Q4 | _____tracks Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, both for your pages and that of your competitors.
Q5 | which of following is paid Facebook Analytics tool
Q6 | ________is another tool that offers a more complete social analysis than just Facebook, also including Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn.
Q7 | ___________is the first free Facebook Analytics tool
Q8 | _______allows you to enter any Facebook page without authorization to measure and analyse its performance
Q9 | __________is not a Facebook Analytics tool.
Q10 | Quintly covers Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube, but it has a free tool for_________ analytics.
Q11 | Python library to connect to Twitter’s API called ________
Q12 | Twitter API result is in a__________ format
Q13 | All data we gather from Twitter is written in ____________ format
Q14 | Mining social web is transforming curiosity into __________
Q15 | Twitter allows people to communicate with ________characters messages
Q16 | _____________do not require mutual acceptance of a connection between users.
Q17 | Calculating simple frequencies applied to unstructured text(tweets) called as ___________
Q18 | Which are offline generated social media data sources?
Q19 | The two ways of data gathering in social media analytics are                       and .
Q20 | The total number of people who see your content is content is termed as .
Q21 | Which platform uses the Graph API as the primary way to get data into and out of the platform?
Q22 | What is amplification in social media metrics?
Q23 | Which are the types of visualization in social networks?
Q24 | Which are the different layout mechanisms used for visualization of social networks?
Q25 | Which are the most common data mining applications related to social networking sites?