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This set of Digital Electronics and Logic Design Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Digital Electronics And Logic Design Set 15

Q1 | What is the minimum number of 2 input NAND gates required to implement the functionF = (x'+y') (z+w)
Q2 | How many truth tables can be made from one function table ?
Q3 | What is the largest number of data inputs which a data selector with two control inputs can have ?
Q4 | A combinational circuit is one in which the output depends on the
Q5 | The function of a multiplexer is
Q6 | For the device shown here, let all D inputs be LOW, both S inputs be HIGH, and the input be LOW. What is the status of the Y output?
Q7 | Convert BCD 0001 0010 0110 to binary.
Q8 | Convert BCD 0001 0111 to binary.
Q9 | How many 1-of-16 decoders are required for decoding a 7-bit binary number?
Q10 | The implementation of simplified sum-of-products expressions may be easily implemented into actual logic circuits using all universal                 gates with little or no increase in circuit complexity. (Select the response for the blank space that will BEST make the statement true.)
Q11 | Which of the following statements accurately represents the two BEST methods of logic circuit simplification?
Q12 | Which of the following combinations cannot be combined into K-map groups?
Q13 | As a technician you are confronted with a TTL circuit board containing dozens of IC chips. You have taken several readings at numerous IC chips, but the readings are inconclusive because of their erratic nature. Of the possible faults listed, select the one that most probably is causing the problem.
Q14 | Which gate is best used as a basic comparator?
Q15 | The device shown here is most likely a .
Q16 | For the device shown here, assume the D input is LOW, both S inputs are HIGH, and the input is HIGH. What is the status of the outputs?
Q17 | In VHDL, macrofunctions is/are:
Q18 | Which of the following expressions is in the product-of-sums form?
Q19 | Which of the following is an important feature of the sum-of-products form of expressions?
Q20 | An output gate is connected to four input gates; the circuit does not function. Preliminary tests with the DMM indicate that the power is applied; scope tests show that the primary input gate has a pulsing signal, while the interconnecting node has no signal. The four load gates are all on different ICs. Which instrument will best help isolate the problem?
Q21 | The binary numbers A = 1100 and B = 1001 are applied to the inputs of a comparator. What are the output levels?
Q22 | A logic probe is placed on the output of a gate and the display indicator is dim. A pulser is used on each of the input terminals, but the output indication does not change. What is wrong?
Q23 | Each "1" entry in a K-map square represents:
Q24 | Looping on a K-map always results in the elimination of:
Q25 | What will a design engineer do after he/she is satisfied that the design will work?