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This set of Digital Electronics and Logic Design Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Digital Electronics And Logic Design Set 14

Q1 | The inverter OR-gate and AND gate are called deeision-making elementsbecause they can recognize some input while disregarding others. A gate
Q2 | Which one of the following set of gates are best suited for 'parity' checking and 'parity' generation.
Q3 | How many inputs are required for a 1-of-10 BCD decoder?
Q4 | Most demultiplexers facilitate which of the following?
Q5 | One application of a digital multiplexer is to facilitate:
Q6 | Select one of the following statements that best describes the parity method of error detection:
Q7 | A multiplexed display:
Q8 | In which of the following gates, the output is 1, if and only if at least one input is 1?
Q9 | The time required for a gate or inverter to change its state is called
Q10 | The time required for a pulse to change from 10 to 90 percent of its maximum value is called
Q11 | The maximum frequency at which digital data can be applied to gate is called
Q12 | What is the minimum number of two-input NAND gates used to perform the function of two input OR gate ?
Q13 | The time required for a pulse to decrease from 90 to 10 per cent of its maximum value is called
Q14 | Which of the following gates would output 1 when one input is 1 and other input is 0 ?
Q15 | Which of the following expressions is not equivalent to X ' ?
Q16 | Which of the following gates are added to the inputs of the OR gate to convert it to the NAND gate ?
Q17 | The EXCLUSIVE NOR gate is equivalent to which gate followed by an inverter ?
Q18 | Which of the following gates is known as coincidence detector ?
Q19 | Which table shows the logical state of a digital circuit output for every possible combination of logical states in the inputs ?
Q20 | A positive AND gate is also a negative
Q21 | An OR gate can be imagined as
Q22 | Which combination of gates does not allow the implementation of an arbitrary boolean function?
Q23 | The output of NOR gate is
Q24 | A toggle operation cannot be performed using a single
Q25 | Which table shows the electrical state of a digital circuit's output for every possible combination of electrical states in the inputs ?