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This set of Digital Electronics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Digital Electronics Set 7

Q1 | Full subtractor is used to perform subtraction of                        
Q2 | The output of a full subtractor is same as
Q3 | The full subtractor can be implemented using                        
Q4 | Why XOR gate is called an inverter?
Q5 | Controlled buffers can be useful
Q6 | A logic circuit that provides a HIGH output for both inputs HIGH or both inputs LOW is
Q7 | What is the first thing you will need if you are going to use a macro-function?
Q8 | What is the major difference between half- adders and full-adders?
Q9 | The binary subtraction of 0 – 0 = ?
Q10 | How many basic binary subtraction operations are possible?
Q11 | When performing subtraction by addition in the 2’s-complement system                          
Q12 | What are the two types of basic adder circuits?
Q13 | Which of the following is correct for full adders?
Q14 | The selector inputs to an arithmetic/logic unit (ALU) determine the                          
Q15 | The inverter can be produced with how many NAND gates?
Q16 | What are carry generate combinations?
Q17 | How many shift registers are used in a 4 bit serial adder?
Q18 | A D flip-flop is used in a 4-bit serial adder, why?
Q19 | What is ripple carry adder?
Q20 | If minuend = 0, subtrahend = 1 and borrow input = 1 in a full subtractor then the borrow output will be                      
Q21 | The decimal number system represents the decimal number in the form of                          
Q22 | 29 input circuit will have total of
Q23 | BCD adder can be constructed with 3 IC packages each of                          
Q24 | The output sum of two decimal digits can be represented in                          
Q25 | The addition of two decimal digits in BCD can be done through