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This set of Digital Electronics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Digital Electronics Set 14

Q1 | A large memory is compressed into a small one by using                      
Q2 | The full form of PLD is                      
Q3 | VLSI chip utilizes                                            
Q4 | CD-ROM refers to                      
Q5 | Data stored in an electronic memory cell can be accessed at random and on demand
Q6 | A ROM is defined as                      
Q7 | Which of the following has the capability to store the information permanently?
Q8 | ROM has the capability to perform
Q9 | Since, ROM has the capability to read the information only then also it has been designed, why?
Q10 | The ROM is a                        
Q11 | ROM is made up of                        
Q12 | Why are ROMs called non-volatile memory?
Q13 | In ROM, each bit is a combination of the address variables is called                        
Q14 | Which is not a removable drive?
Q15 | In ROM, each bit combination that comes out of the output lines is called                        
Q16 | VLSI chip utilizes                        
Q17 | The time from the beginning of a read cycle to the end of tACS/tAA is called as
Q18 | Why did PROM introduced?
Q19 | Which of the following is programmed electrically by the user?
Q20 | PROMs are available in                        
Q21 | How many 8 k × 1 RAMs are required to achieve a memory with a word capacity of 8 k and a word length of eight bits?
Q22 | Which of the following best describes the fusible-link PROM?
Q23 | Which part of a Flash memory architecture manages all chip functions?
Q24 | How much locations an 8-bit address code can select in memory?
Q25 | What is a fusing process?