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This set of Digestion Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Digestion Set 4

Q1 | Which of the following statements is correct?:
Q2 | Which of the following is the major factor that protects the duodenal mucosa from the damage by gastric acid?:
Q3 | Which of the following substances is released from the duodenal mucosa in response to acidic gastric juice?:
Q4 | A 42years old salesman presents with the chief complaint of intermittent midepigastric pain that is relieved by antacids or eating. Gatric analysis reveals that basal and maximal acid output exceed normal values. The gastric hypersecretion can be explained by an increase in the plasma concentration of which of the following?:
Q5 | Removal of the stomach can lead to all of the following except:
Q6 | HCl secretion includes all the following processes except:
Q7 | The gastric juice has all the following characteristics except:
Q8 | Gastric secretion is inhibited by all the following except:
Q9 | Concerning HCl secretion, all the following is true except:
Q10 | All the following statements are true except:
Q11 | Which of the following statement is wrong?:
Q12 | The following statements about gastric secretion are correct except:
Q13 | hich of the following statements about gastric secretion is incorrect:
Q14 | A 55 years old man with a history of chronic alcohol consumption presents to his local physician with non specific complaints of dyspepsia. Examination and diagnostic testing reveal that he has destruction of the gastric glands. The condition would predispose the patient to which of the following?:
Q15 | Which of the following statement about motor function of stomachis untrue?:
Q16 | Which of the following statement about motor function of stomach is untrue?:
Q17 | Vomiting:
Q18 | Vomiting:
Q19 | The so-called chemoreceptor trigger zone:
Q20 | As regards the process of vomiting:
Q21 | A pyloric obstruction in an infant which results in a prolonged bout of sever vomiting is likely to cause a primary:
Q22 | An obstruction of the small bowel leading to sever vomiting with a preponderant loss of duodenal contents is likely to cause a primary:
Q23 | A likely reason why a to and fro motion, such as that encountered during airplane flights or in an automobile ride over a bumpy road, tends to cause nausea and vomiting, is because during such motions:
Q24 | Select a single incorrect answer about vomiting:
Q25 | Trypsinogen in pancreatic juice is activated by: