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This set of Life Skill Development Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Life Skill Development Set 3

Q1 | Analyzing peer and media influence belong to …………… skill.
Q2 | ……………… is the ability to listen and understand others.
Q3 | Expressing respect for others contribution belongs to …………………
Q4 | Influencing skills and persuasion belong to ………………..skills.
Q5 | Anger management skill is an example for managing …………..
Q6 | Determining alternative solutions to the problem is related to ……………skill.
Q7 | Individual must be able to evaluate the future consequences of their present action is anexample of……….skill.
Q8 | ……………. skill includes the verbal and non-verbal aspects
Q9 | Negotiation refusal skills directly affect one’s ability to manage………….
Q10 | Life skill education provides foundation for adults ……….behaviour.
Q11 | Self-evaluation skills help to set…………
Q12 | Development of life skills enables the adolescent to be …………….in society.
Q13 | Ability to express feelings and feed back is related to ……………skills.
Q14 | Active listening is an example for ………..ability.
Q15 | ..........focus not only knowledge and attitude change, but, more important behaviourchange
Q16 | Communication requires that all parties have an area of communicative ………
Q17 | Common conception of communication means sending and ………….information.
Q18 | Sender ………………………  receiver, complete the order.
Q19 | Feedback Received by ……………
Q20 | The message has three components, the content, context, and …………
Q21 | There are two types of channels for communication, one is sensory channel and other is …………….channel.
Q22 | The process of communication is divided in to two, verbal communication and…………… communication.
Q23 | Verbal communication is further divided in to oral communication and ……………….communication.
Q24 | Facial expression is an example for ………….. communication.
Q25 | ………….communication follows strict authority lines.