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This set of Developmental Psychology 2 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Developmental Psychology 2 Set 1

Q1 | Erik Erikson was founder of …
Q2 | Which of the following does not describe stagnation in stage 7?
Q3 | Piaget's developmental sequences follow in which order?
Q4 | An example of Schaie's legacy-leaving stage includes a man who is 83 years of age and is telling stories to his great-grandchildren about their family's history.The stage before the legacy-leaving stage is one in which people are trying to conserve their energy. This stage is known as:
Q5 | According to the text, regardless of activity level, muscular strength begins todecline somewhat by about age:
Q6 | Which of the following is NOT considered a "marker event" for adulthood?
Q7 | At what time of life does Erikson stage Industry vs. Inferiority occur?
Q8 | Which of these are associated with insecurely attached infants in laterlife?
Q9 | If a young adult sees stealing as wrong because of the harm it brings tosomeone, which of Kolbergs’ stages are they displaying?
Q10 | Which of these is a misconception about heredity?
Q11 | Bob hasn’t missed a day of work since he started his job three years ago. Every morning he comes in with a smile on his face that remainsthere until he leaves. He works for a charity and it gives him great satisfaction to know that he’s helping others. He loves his job. Bob is most likely
Q12 | A relationship based on a previous friendship that developed intolovers is characteristic of what love style?
Q13 | A mother and her infant son are being tested by Aisworth’s Strange Situation procedure. After the mother has left and comes back onto theroom the child acts like he is mad at the mother. This child is said to be?
Q14 | Some people crave high levels of arousal through high levels ofstimulation. They are said to be
Q15 | Which of the following is a way to measure activity level in an infant?
Q16 | Which style of love matches this statement "I try to keep my lover alittle uncertain about my commitment to him/her"?
Q17 | What aspect(s) of personality are believed to have evolved in humans?
Q18 | The research strategy for assessing personality stability that studiestwo or more groups assumed to be at different stages of development is
Q19 | Which of the following is NOT one of the Erikson’s stages ofpsychosocial development?
Q20 | Generativity is best described as
Q21 | Middle Adulthood / Middle Age - which extends from approximately _ to _years
Q22 | The major problems in vocational adjustment as selection of a vocation is in _stage of development
Q23 | Most common & most serious vocational hazards of early adulthood are -----
Q24 | Which biological theory of aging emphasizes harmful genetic mutations as acausal factor?
Q25 | By age 70, few people experience stage ____ deep sleep at all.