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This set of Labour Law Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Labour Law Set 6

Q1 | Which section of The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 details about the Hours and Period of Work?
Q2 | The period of work of a child under this act shall not exceed ___.
Q3 | A break of at least ___ shall be given to a child as per section for Hours and Period of Work under the act.
Q4 | The spread over for work of a child shall not exceed ___ hours as per The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation)Act, 1986.
Q5 | Which section of the maternity act states the conditions for eligibility of benefits?
Q6 | In the maternity act, an inspector is appointed under which section?
Q7 | What is the minimum number of days that a woman should have worked in an establishment before claiming thematernity benefit?
Q8 | What is the maximum period for which any woman is entitled to maternity benefit?
Q9 | What is the amount of medical bonus entitled to a woman who is also entitled to receive maternity benefit?
Q10 | The maternity benefit act's objectives were achieved by the enactment of _______________
Q11 | In which year did the amendment act come into force?
Q12 | Which section of the act states the conditions for eligibility of benefits?
Q13 | Till what age of the child will a mother get 2 nursing breaks in the course of her daily work?
Q14 | How many weeks in advance a written notice for maternity leave has to be given to the employer by the expectingwomen?
Q15 | As per section 18, if an employer discharges or dismisses a woman during or on account of her absence from workduring the maternity leave, then what is the punishment faced by an employer?
Q16 | As per section 9, for how many weeks a woman is entitled for leave in case of a miscarriage?
Q17 | Which of the following enactment stipulates for nursing break to a women employee?
Q18 | Every woman entitled to maternity benefit under the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 shall also be entitled to receive fromher employer
Q19 | The condition of 80 days of employment in the 12 months immediately preceding the date of benefit has been madean eligibility condition for getting
Q20 | The Royal Commission on Labour examined which of the two States’ Maternity Benefit Acts and recommendedenactment of similar laws all over the country?
Q21 | No contribution is required for getting benefit under which of the following legislations?
Q22 | What is the minimum number of days that a woman should have worked in an establishment before claimingthe maternity benefit?
Q23 | What is the amount of medical bonus entitled to a woman who is also entitled to receive maternity benefit?
Q24 | How many weeks in advance a written notice for maternity leave has to be given to the employer by theexpecting women?
Q25 | State the objectives of the act?