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This set of Service Marketing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Service Marketing Set 9

Q1 | Service firms often find themselves in a three-cornered fight between
Q2 | Customer frustration resulting from receiving poor service is most similar to
Q3 | Among many services, the demand for medical services tends to be __________.
Q4 | Customer competencies can be described as
Q5 | Costs that are planned and are accrued during the operating period regardless of thelevel of production and sales are called
Q6 | The technique that allows consumers to either buy Service A and Service B togetheron purchase one service separately is called
Q7 | Which pricing strategies encourage the customer to expand his/her dealings with theservice provider?
Q8 | Do studies suggest that price is more likely to be used as a cue to quality under thefollowing conditions?
Q9 | The primary role of a service firm for the customer in the communication mix is to ……
Q10 | The plan for differentiating the firm from its competitors in consumers eyes is referredto as the firms
Q11 | Differentiation approaches such as competence, courtesy, reliability, andresponsiveness are forms of
Q12 | The appropriate communication content during the introduction stage of the productlife cycle would be
Q13 | Which of the following is not a communication objective during the maturity anddecline stages of the product life cycle?
Q14 | Which one of the following communication approaches would be appropriate duringthe growth and maturity stages of the product life cycle?
Q15 | The primary objective of a firms communication mix during the pre-consumptionchoice stage is to
Q16 | The perceived consequences of a consumer s purchase decision are
Q17 | Tangible clues are more important when services are
Q18 | Which of the following communication objectives becomes the most important duringthe post-consumption evaluation stage
Q19 | Branding of services becomes difficult because they are
Q20 | Word-of-Mouth communication networks are particularly important for service firms because
Q21 | The suggested communication strategy to use when the product is intangible dominant is to
Q22 | __________ is an overall favourable impression or unfavourable impression basedon the early stages of the service encounter.
Q23 | The advantage that the E-marketing communications carries are…………
Q24 | A disadvantage of e-marketing is
Q25 | Which of the following is not a component of service firms physical evidence?