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This set of Service Marketing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Service Marketing Set 1

Q1 | Service marketing become difficult because of …………….
Q2 | Service are characterized by all of the following characteristics except for …………….
Q3 | Green marketing is a part of …………….
Q4 | Customer satisfaction can be defined by comparing
Q5 | Which of the following is not a service?
Q6 | A buyer’s perception of value is considered a trade-off between
Q7 | Solutions used to minimize the marketing problems attributed to heterogeneity include
Q8 | Which of the following is not a objectives of service marketing?
Q9 | Which of the following is not included in seven Ps of the marketing mix given by Booms and Bitner?
Q10 | The following is not ways in which intangibility can be overcome
Q11 | SLEPT stands for
Q12 | People have to physically present themselves so that they become immersed within the service process. This type of service process is referred to as
Q13 | Which of the following is not one of the service process?
Q14 | This is when customers visit the service facility so that they are personally involved through the servicedelivery process
Q15 | ……………. Is based on the idea that customer expectations of the service they will receive shape theirperception of the actual service encounter.
Q16 | An approach that encompasses a wide range of relationships, not just with customers, but also thosethat organizations develop with suppliers, regulators, government, competitors, employees, and others, is referred to as
Q17 | When there is little or no personal contract between customer and service provider. This is classified as
Q18 | Select the name of the country having maximum percent of GDP attributed to service
Q19 | Which of the following is not an element of physical evidence?
Q20 | …………… is deference between customer expectations and perception.
Q21 | ……………. Is defined as the caring, individualized attention that the firm provides its customers
Q22 | Which of the following is not a type of service encounters?
Q23 | SSTs stands for …………….
Q24 | ……………… are the only service distributors which do not require direct human interaction
Q25 | Intangibility, perishability, inseparability& variability are the characteristics of