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This set of General Economics 1 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on General Economics 1 Set 5

Q1 | Supply curve represents -------- relationship between quantity and price
Q2 | National Income means:
Q3 | The difference between GDP and NDP equals:
Q4 | Which of the following is true?
Q5 | NNP is equal to:
Q6 | Which of the following is not a method of national income estimation?
Q7 | An accounting year in India is:
Q8 | Increase in real National Income (NI) means increase in:
Q9 | Net indirect taxes means:
Q10 | Net factor income from abroad shows the difference between:
Q11 | Per capita income is equal to:
Q12 | National income in India is estimated by:
Q13 | The first estimate of National income in India was done by:
Q14 | Pick the odd one out:
Q15 | GDP deflator is given by:
Q16 | Wear and tear of capital due to constant use means:
Q17 | Value of output minus intermediate consumption is:
Q18 | Personal income minus personal taxes is:
Q19 | Primary sector includes:
Q20 | National income is a --------variable.
Q21 | In India, National income is estimated at:
Q22 | Which of the following is true:
Q23 | GNP measured in terms of current market prices is called:
Q24 | In India, the current base year is:
Q25 | Which of the following doest not include in the group?