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This set of Material Science Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Material Science Set 16

Q1 | In metals the plastic deformation generally takes place by the mechanism of
Q2 | The shear stress required to produce slip on a single crystal plane is called the                   shear stress
Q3 | CRSS is calculated by using                      law
Q4 | slip occurs in discrete multiples of
Q5 |                      imperfections involve missing of cation from it's respective position
Q6 |                      imperfections involve missing of cation & anion from it's respective position
Q7 | The displacement distance for atoms around the dislocation is the
Q8 |                        dislocations can glide & climb
Q9 |                       dislocations can glide only
Q10 | Surface defects are the                      dimensional regions in a crystal.
Q11 | Edge dislocations are the                    dimensional regions in a crystal
Q12 |                    plays an important role in crystal growth.
Q13 | work hardening reduces :
Q14 | Chances of cracks propagation is more in :
Q15 | In working refinement of crystal occurs.
Q16 | working is always accompanied by strain hardening
Q17 |                  working increases ultimate tensile strength.
Q18 | (a√3)/4 is the radius of
Q19 | (a√2)/4 is the radius of
Q20 | Miller indices are the same for :
Q21 | 0.68 is atomic factor of
Q22 | 4 is avg. atoms per unit cell for
Q23 | (001) is a plane of the cube & is
Q24 | (100) is a plane of the cube & is
Q25 | (010) is a plane of the cube & is