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This set of Material Science Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Material Science Set 11

Q1 | Cold working process is carried out on……….. Recrystallisation temp.
Q2 | Coordination number for closest packed crystal structure
Q3 | Coordination number in simple cubic crystal structure
Q4 | Coordination Number of Body-Centered Cubic structure is…..
Q5 | Ligancy of FCC structure are…..
Q6 | HCP structure have ligancy …..
Q7 | Crystal structure is arrangement ofin different patterns
Q8 | Crystallographic planes are represented by 3 numbers enclosed in                 
Q9 | crystallography is study of
Q10 | Cu diffuses in FCC Ni, this is type ofimpurity
Q11 | Decrease in free energy during recovery is attributed to
Q12 | Decrease in free energy during recrystallization is attributed to
Q13 | Deformation of steel at room temperature is
Q14 | Density of material depends on …..
Q15 | Dimensional accuracy is better in
Q16 | Dislocations have types
Q17 | Example for strengthening mechanism in single-phase material
Q18 | FCC crystal having crystal systems.
Q19 | FCC have Average no. of atoms per unit cell
Q20 | FCC have ligancy number
Q21 | FCC having atomic packing factor
Q22 | FCC having stacking
Q23 | FCC materials are good in ….
Q24 | Figure out the odd one in the following
Q25 | Fine grain size, usually, can not be obtained during the following process