Information Retrival Techniques Set 7

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This set of Information Retrival Techniques Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Information Retrival Techniques Set 7

Q1 | Choose from the following that are Decision Tree nodes?
Q2 | Decision Nodes are represented by
Q3 | Chance Nodes are represented by
Q4 | End Nodes are represented by                      
Q5 | Which of the following are the advantage/s of Decision Trees?
Q6 | Which of the given statements is incorrect about global gene regulation?
Q7 | Which of the given statements is incorrect about Microarray (or microchip) analysis?
Q8 | In cluster analysis of microarray data– A node is created between the                    scoring pair, and the gene expressed profiles of these two genes are averaged and the joined elements are weighted by the                     of elements they contain.
Q9 | In cluster analysis of microarray data– For n genes, the process is repeated                   times until a single element remains.
Q10 | Which of the following is the task of project indicators:
Q11 | Which of the following is caused by careless handling?
Q12 | Which of the following is not a fundamental quantity?
Q13 | Which standard is fixed and used for industrial laboratories?
Q14 | Which of the following error is caused by poor calibration of the instrument?
Q15 | How systematic errors are eliminated?
Q16 | Which of the following represents an SI unit of luminous intensity?
Q17 | Starting position of an object is represented as x=5.1±0.2m and finishing position as y=6.9±0.3m. What will be the displacement and error in displacement?
Q18 | The maximum number of indexes on MyISAM table is                      
Q19 | The data rows of a MyISAM table are stored in                      
Q20 | In a single table (with 10 columns) join query the number of values needed to examine per column is                      
Q21 | FROM tbl_1 INNER JOIN tbl_2 WHERE tbl_1.i1 = tbl_2.i2;
Q23 | If a column contains 7 values and 6 distinct values, the cardinality is                      
Q24 | For a table having 4 columns, the number of columns to which hash function is applied when using hash indexes is                      
Q25 | The slow query log is written as