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This set of High Performance Computing HPC Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on High Performance Computing Set 11

Q1 | What is the average running time of a quick sort algorithm?
Q2 | Odd-even transposition sort is a variation of
Q3 | What is the average case time complexity of odd-even transposition sort?
Q4 | Shell sort is an improvement on
Q5 | In parallel Quick Sort Pivot is sent to processes by
Q6 | In parallel Quick Sort each process divides the unsorted list into
Q7 | Time Complexity of DFS is? (V – number of vertices, E – number of edges)
Q8 | A person wants to visit some places. He starts from a vertex and then wants to visit every vertex till it finishes from one vertex, backtracks and then explore other vertex from same vertex. What algorithm he should use?
Q9 | Given an array of n elements and p processes, in the message-passing version of the parallel quicksort, each process stores ---------elements of array
Q10 | In parallel quick sort Pivot selecton strategy is crucial for
Q11 | In execution of the hypercube formulation of quicksort for d = 3, split along -----------dimention to partition sequence into two big blocks, one greater than pivot and other smaller than pivot as shown in diagram
Q12 | Which Parallel formulation of Quick sort is possible
Q13 | Which formulation of Dijkstra's algorithm exploits more parallelism
Q14 | In Dijkstra's all pair shortest path each process compute the single-source shortest paths for all vertices assigned to it in SOURCE PARTITIONED FORMULATION
Q15 | A complete graph is a graph in which each pair of vertices is adjacent
Q16 | The space required to store the adjacency matrix of a graph with n vertices is
Q17 | Graph can be represented by
Q18 | to solve the all-pairs shortest paths problem which algorithm/s is/are used a) Floyd's algorithm b) Dijkstra's single-source shortest paths c) Prim's Algorithm d) Kruskal's Algorithm
Q19 | Simple backtracking is a depth-first search method that terminates upon finding the first solution.
Q20 | Best-first search (BFS) algorithms can search both graphs and trees.
Q21 | A* algorithm is a
Q22 | identify Load-Balancing Scheme/s
Q23 | important component of best-first search (BFS) algorithms is
Q24 | A CUDA program is comprised of two primary components: a host and a _____.
Q25 | The kernel code is dentified by the ________qualifier with void return type