Design Of Steel Structures Set 15

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This set of Design of Steel Structures Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Design Of Steel Structures Set 15

Q1 | The method of design of steel framework for greatest rigidity and economy inweight, is known as
Q2 | For a cantilever beam of length built-in at the support and restrained against torsion at the free end, the effective projecting length is
Q3 | The least permissible clear dimension of the web of thickness t in the panel of aplate girder, is restricted to
Q4 | Bearing stiffeners are provided at(i) The supports(ii) The mid span(iii) The point of application of concentrated loadsThe correct answer is
Q5 | Pick up the correct statement from the following:
Q6 | If d is the distance between the flange angles, the vertical stiffeners in plate girders are spaced not greater than
Q7 | If d is the distance between the flange angles of a plate girder, vertical stiffeners are provided at a distance not greater than
Q8 | A second horizontal stiffener is always placed at the neutral axis of the girder ifthe thickness of the web is less than
Q9 | The strength of ISA 125 = 75 × 10 mm used as a tie member with its longer leg connected at the ends by 27 mm diameter rivets, is
Q10 | The effect of racking forces is considered in the design of(i) Lateral braces(ii) Chord membersThe correct answer is
Q11 | For a column of height fixed in position and direction both at its top and bottom, its effective length, is
Q12 | A tension member, if subjected to possible reversal of stress due to wind, the slenderness ratio of the member should not exceed
Q13 | Pick up the correct statement from the following:
Q14 | For double angles carrying tension, placed back to back and connected to either side of the gusset plate, the sectional area of the section, is equal to cross sectional area of
Q15 | If fbt and fc are the co-existent bending tensile stress and shear stress in a member, the equivalent stress fc is
Q16 | When a large value of radius of gyration is not requiredChannels are placed back to back
Q17 | Minimum thickness of web in a plate girder, when the plate is accessible and also exposed to weather, is
Q18 | If d is the distance between the flange angles, the vertical stiffeners in plate girders without horizontal stiffeners, are spaced at a distance not less than
Q19 | To minimize the total cost of a roof truss, the ratio of the cost of truss to the cost of purlins shall be
Q20 | In factory buildings, the horizontal beams spanning between the wall columns supporting a wall covering, are called
Q21 | A structural member subjected to tensile force in a direction parallel to its longitudinal axis, is generally known as
Q22 | If the area of cross-section of a single angle discontinuous strut is 30 cm2 and allowable working stress corresponding to its slenderness ratio is 625 kg/cm2, the safe load carrying capacity of the member, is
Q23 | The minimum thickness of a steel plate, which is directly exposed to weather and is not accessible for cleaning and repainting, should be: