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This set of Multimedia Technology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Multimedia Technology Set 2

Q1 | In Voice Over IP, Term SIP stands for
Q2 | In Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP), A source sends a bye message to shut down a
Q3 | In Audio and Video Compression, term RBG expresses
Q4 | To perform tracking of an IP, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), uses concept of
Q5 | A simple session using Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), consists of three modules: establishing, communicating, and
Q6 | Real-time traffic needs support of
Q7 | Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), is designed to be independent of underlying
Q8 | In Real Time Interactive Audio Video, data are stored in buffer at a possibly variable
Q9 | In Real Time Interactive Audio Video, to prevent jitter, we can time-stamp packets and separate arrival time from the
Q10 | Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) is protocol designed to handle real-time traffic on the
Q11 | In Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), session can be terminated with a
Q12 | RTCP stands for
Q13 | A compressed audio/video file can be downloaded as a
Q14 | When a caller needs to communicate with callee, caller can use e-mail address instead of IP address in the
Q15 | In Real Time Interactive Audio Video, a sequence number on each packet is required for
Q16 | Before audio or video signals can be sent on Internet, they need to be
Q17 | For speech, we need to compress digitize signals at
Q18 | Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG-1), was designed for a
Q19 | Perceptual encoding is based on science of
Q20 | Media player uses URL in metafile to access media server to
Q21 | In Real Time Interactive Audio Video, mixing means combining several streams of traffic into
Q22 | According to Nyquist theorem, if highest frequency of signal is f, we need to sample signal
Q23 | In temporal compression, redundant frames are
Q24 | Primary Colors for Color TV are
Q25 | Multilevel Amplitude Shift Keying (MASK) is not implemented with pure Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK), it is implemented with