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This set of Counselling Psychology 1 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Counselling Psychology 1 Set 4

Q1 | In Freudian theory, Anxiety
Q2 | With this defense mechanism, a repressed desire finds an opposite and exaggerated expression
Q3 | A completely weaned child goes back to the bottle after a younger sister is born. This return to amore infantile pattern of behaviour expresses a
Q4 | Mohan has great admiration for his teacher. He attempts to imitate this teacher’s lifestyle andmannerisms. This is an example of
Q5 | A type of repression in which the ego attempts to do away with unpleasant experiences and theirconsequences is called
Q6 | This defence mechanism, unlike others, usually results in some benefit to society.
Q7 | To Freud, the most crucial stage of development is
Q8 | The anal triad consists of all these characteristics EXCEPT
Q9 | For boys, the Castration complex
Q10 | Freud believed that, for girls
Q11 | With few exceptions, the unconscious meaning of dreams expressed
Q12 | Psychoanalytic therapy is most likely to include this technique
Q13 | 2. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the first level of needs that must be met are:
Q14 | Psychologist wrote about the hierarchy of needs
Q15 | The humanistic approach understands us in terms of:
Q16 | Physiological, safety, love and belongingness and esteem are all examples of our ______.
Q17 | Physiological needs are our
Q18 | When we find ourself excluded from groups we want to join, we
Q19 | Who in childhood influence our self esteem the most
Q20 | All individuals should give other individuals their:
Q21 | Genuineness, empathy and unconditional positive regard are used to create:
Q22 | The purpose of humanistic psychotherapy is to allow the individual to move from:
Q23 | The humanistic approach uses: