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This set of DataBase Management System (DBMS) Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Database Management System Set 56

Q1 | A table that contains one or more repeating groups is in which normal form?
Q2 | A relation is said to be in 3 NF if(i) it is in 2 NF (ii) non-key attributes are independent of one another (iii) key attribute is not dependent on part of a composite key (iv) has no multi-valued dependency
Q3 | Given the following relation it is not 3 NF because Student (roll no, name, course no, course max. marks, year of study, address)
Q4 | Given the following relation Student (roll no, name, course no, course max. marks, year of study, address)The corresponding 3 NF relations are
Q5 | BoyeCodd Normal Form (BCNF) is needed when
Q6 | A relation is said to be in BCNF when
Q7 | A 3 NF relation is converted to BCNF by
Q8 | BCNF is needed because
Q9 | Given the relation Supplier(s_id, p_order, s_name, qty) Given that there is a unique s_name for each s_id and that s_id, p_order is a composite key, find the correct statement among the following: i. this relation is a BCNF ii. this is 3 NF relation iii. this is a 2 NF relation iv. this is a 1 NF relation
Q10 | A relation project guidance Project Guidance(professor, project, student no. st-name, dept) A professor can give many projects to many students A project will have many students A project may be guided by many professors The 4 NF relation corresponding to this are
Q11 | A 3 NF relation is split into 4 NF
Q12 | Using the SQL GROUP BY phrase with a SELECT statement can help detect which ofthe following problems?
Q13 | What SQL command will allow you to change the table STUDENT to add the constraint named GradeCheck that states that the values of the Grade column must be greater than 0?
Q14 | The NOT EXISTS keyword will be true if:
Q15 | Changing cardinalities in a database is:
Q16 | Which one of the following sorts rows in SQL?
Q17 | The SQL keyword(s) ________ is used with wildcards.
Q18 | If a relationship has a cascade updates constraint, then if ________ in the parent table is changed, then the same change will automatically be made to any corresponding foreign key value.
Q19 | For every relationship, how many possible types of actions are there when enforcingminimum cardinalities?
Q20 | In creating a procedure, you may get a message if you have compile errors. Which of the following is true?
Q21 | Which of the following is not true about indexes?
Q22 | In ……….. normal forms, any multivalued attributes have been removed.
Q23 | A (n) …………….. is an attribute in a relation that serves as a primary key of another relation in the same.
Q24 | In the process of decomposition is called as
Q25 | A relation Schema R is in ……….. if it is in 3NF and satisfies an additional constant thatfor every FD X->A. X must be a candidate key.