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This set of DataBase Management System (DBMS) Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Database Management System Set 11

Q1 | The variables in the triggers are declared using
Q2 | The default extension for an Oracle SQL*Plus file is:
Q3 | Which of the following is NOT an Oracle- supported trigger?
Q4 | What are the different in triggers?
Q5 | Triggers                  enabled or disabled
Q6 | Which prefixes are available to Oracle triggers?
Q7 | Any recursive view must be defined as the union of two subqueries: a                query that is nonrecursive and a                      query.
Q8 | Ranking of queries is done by which of the following?
Q9 | In rank() function if one value is shared by two tuples then
Q10 | The                      function that does not create gaps in the ordering.
Q11 | If there are n tuples in the partition and the rank of the tuple is r, then its                  is defined as (r −1)/(n−1).
Q12 | Inorder to simplify the null value confusion in the rank function we can specify
Q13 | The command                                  such tables are available only within the transaction executing the query and are dropped when the transaction finishes.
Q14 | OLAP stands for
Q15 | The process of viewing the cross-tab (Single dimensional) with a fixed value of one attribute is
Q16 | The operation of moving from finer- granularity data to a coarser granularity (by means of aggregation) is called a                  
Q17 | In SQL the cross-tabs are created using
Q18 | What do data warehouses support?
Q19 | Which one of the following is the right syntax for DECODE?
Q20 | Relational Algebra is a                      query language that takes two relations as input and produces another relation as an output of the query.
Q21 | For select operation the                  appear in the subscript and the                         argument appears in the paranthesis after the sigma.
Q22 | The                        operation, denoted by −, allows us to find tuples that are in one relation but are not in another.
Q23 | Which of the following is a fundamental operation in relational algebra?
Q24 | Which of the following is used to denote the selection operation in relational algebra?
Q25 | Which is a unary operation: