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This set of Indian Evidence Act Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Indian Evidence Act Set 12

Q1 | Proviso 1 to Section 33, Indian Evidence Act, not only covers cases of privity in estate andsuccession of title, but also cases where which of the following condition is met?
Q2 | Relevancy of facts forming part of same transaction is dealt under which of the followingsection of the Indian Evidence Act?
Q3 | Section 132 of the Indian Evidence Act does not apply to a statement made by a person duringan investigation under:
Q4 | Section 31, Indian Evidence Act declares:
Q5 | Section 65, Indian Evidence Act with which of the fol-lowing situation under which secondaryevidence can be given?
Q6 | The defence of alibi is best because:
Q7 | An estate called “the Rampur Tea Estate” is sold by a deed which contains a map of theproperty sold. Applying Section 92, Indian Evidence Act:
Q8 | Which of the following is the way to assess damage under Section 12, Indian Evidence Act? I. the damage suffered should be near as possible to the sum which will put the injured party in the same position as he would have been if he had not sus-tained the wrong for which he was awarded damages or compensationII. damages are usually assessed on the basis of actual loss suffered and are called general orordinary damagesIII. where the plaintiff has not suffered any real damages by reason of breach of contract, normally,nominal damages are awardedIV. special damages can be awarded for personal incon-veniences or physical dis-comfort caused bythe other party
Q9 | The history sheet of an accused person, kept in the police station is not a man’s character, as itis based on:
Q10 | The principle on which a dying declaration is admitted in evidence is indicated in legal maxim:
Q11 | The principles of Section 44, Indian Evidence Act cannot be extended to which of the following?
Q12 | Section 15, Indian Evidence Act deals with a particular application of the general principle laiddown in:
Q13 | The question is, whether A poisoned B. Applying Section 6, Indian Evidence Act which of the following facts can be relevant?
Q14 | To invoke the doctrine of estoppel which of the follow-ing condition must be satisfied?
Q15 | What do you understand by admission of execution?
Q16 | Under Section 82, Indian Evidence Act the Court must presume:
Q17 | What do you understand by libellous character?