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This set of Service Management Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Service Management Set 1

Q1 | Services are characterized by all of the following characteristics except-
Q2 | Which of the following is not a tangible dominant?
Q3 | What does GDP stand for?
Q4 | Hospital8. Which of the following fields would be least likely to be described as intangible- dominant?
Q5 | A triangle of Company, Customers, Employees, Internal Marketing, External Marketingcommunications and Interactive marketing is known as…………..
Q6 | Odd one out
Q7 | Ranking from highest to lowest, the countries with the largest service sector employmentare:
Q8 | The primary cost of producing a service is
Q9 | Tourism is a major creator of jobs in the world. Approximately what percentage ofglobal employment is represented by tourism?
Q10 | According to definitions of the tourist, what is the maximum allowable length of stay ina destination ?
Q11 | What does the acronym TSA stand for?
Q12 | What is domestic tourism?
Q13 | Which bank is known as bankers bank in India ?
Q14 | In which year banks were nationalized in India?
Q15 | The regulation of the financial services industry in the UK is now carried out by the
Q16 | A corporation in the U.S. estimates and pays it taxes __________.
Q17 | In finance we refer to the market for relatively long-term financial instruments as the__________ market.
Q18 | Discuss the social purpose and organization of health care insurance. Moral hazardby insurance companies can result in:
Q19 | A person injured in a motor vehicle accident will have health care expenses paid by:
Q20 | Which of the following characteristics/situations qualifies a patient for benefits under along term care insurance contract?
Q21 | Which of the following laws requires that employers offer continuation of health careinsurance after a person leaves employment?
Q22 | 'Reinsurance' refers to the practice by insurance companies of:
Q23 | By taking out insurance cover an individual:
Q24 | Diversification is one way in which insurance companies can protect themselvesagainst:
Q25 | A 'pay as you go' pension system is unsuitable for a private firm because: