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This set of Philosophical Methods Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Philosophical Methods Set 9

Q1 | In “Back to things themselves” “things” are taken to mean
Q2 | The method of phenomenological reduction demands
Q3 | In phenomenology, the exclusion of subjectivity is called
Q4 | The method of phenomenology is transcendental in the sense that
Q5 | The exclusion of the existence of the object in ‘Bracketing Existence’ Means
Q6 | The objects of phenomenological seeing or intuition are
Q7 | The acid test of a truly critical philosophy, according to Husserl was
Q8 | The phenomenologist claims that philosophy is a rigorous science, In the sense that
Q9 | The best known contemporary advocate of phenomenological method is
Q10 | Phenomenological intuition means
Q11 | According to Encyclopedia, the aim of phenomenological method is