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This set of Sociology of Indian Society Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Sociology Of Indian Society Set 4

Q1 | Who wrote the work The Remembered Village?
Q2 | Who introduces the concept of Brahmanization?
Q3 | Which was the work of Srinivas define sanskritisation?School of Distance EducationSociology of Indian Society Page 16
Q4 | Sanskritisation promotes…………….
Q5 | The Indian sociologist who does not sympathize with the Marxian perspective was……….
Q6 | Who among the following the prominent advocators of structural-functionalist approachin Indian sociology
Q7 | Where did Shyam Charan Dube born?
Q8 | S C Dube applied structural-functional approach for studying the ………………
Q9 | Which is the prominent village near Hyderabad studied by Dube
Q10 | Which is the tribal group studied by Dube?
Q11 | Who wrote the work Indian Village?
Q12 | Who wrote the book entitled as India’s changing Villages?
Q13 | Which work of Dube described about the how villages can be seen in diversifiesframework?
Q14 | Cultural approach is otherwise known as ……………….
Q15 | Who is the sociologist firstly designed civilizational perspective?
Q16 | Which is the prominent approach analyzed the growth and development of society fromits original core to the modern form through assimilation or acculturation?
Q17 | Which is the study of Redfield applied civilizational perspective?
Q18 | ……………society is small, isolated, non-literate and socially homogeneous
Q19 | Through the civilizational approach Redfield analyzed…………….
Q20 | Which is the main conceptual framework made by Singer and Marriot to explain thecivilizational perspective?
Q21 | Which are the two stages of growth of civilization put forwarded by Yogendra Singh?
Q22 | Which is the conceptual framework of evolutionary model put forwarded by SurajithSinha for explaining civilizational approach?
Q23 | Which is the prominent approach concentrates on the idea that every system has a clearstructure which is arranged in an orderly manner and it functions for the maintenance ofsystem as a whole.
Q24 | Who wrote the book “Social change in Modern India”?