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This set of General Science Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Chemistry Set 5

Q1 | The aqueous solution of which among the following acids is called Vinegar?
Q2 | Which among the following is the correct decreasing of bioelements in Human Body?
Q3 | Which among the following happens in an oxidation reaction ?
Q4 | Identify the thermosetting plastic from the given options:
Q5 | White Phosphorous is represented by which among the following symbols?
Q6 | Which among the following is called Laughing Gas popularly?
Q7 | Identify the non-metallic mineral from the given options:
Q8 | Which among the following are constituents of Brass?
Q9 | Which among the following acids is abundant in Grapes, Bananas and Tamarind?
Q10 | Which among the following gas was leaked at Bhopal during the Bhopal gas tragedy at 2-3 December 1984?
Q11 | In the manufacture of Vanaspati ghee from vegetable oils, which among the following gasis used?
Q12 | When a tubelight breaks, a cracking sound is produced because ____?
Q13 | Which among the following is the objective of the Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) mixingwith Petroleum?
Q14 | The most important contributor of sea salt is ____?
Q15 | Which among the following elements are generally find in free state?
Q16 | Which among the following would cause the bright red colur due to bursting of crackers?
Q17 | Who among the following scientists had discovered Radium?
Q18 | Who among the following had given the Atomic Theory?
Q19 | Which among the following oxides cause the Acid rain ?
Q20 | Which among the following element is an essential constituent of acids?
Q21 | Highest percentage of nitrogen is found in which among the following fertilizers among thegiven options?
Q22 | Which among the following is popularly called Hypo?
Q23 | Which among the following is a Noble Gas?
Q24 | Which of the following is an anti-knocking compound that has been phased out in manycountries so far?
Q25 | Which among the following is the main constituent of Biogas?