Principles Of Programming Languages Set 2

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This set of Principles of Programming Languages Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Principles Of Programming Languages Set 2

Q1 | In C, reference is declared using the symbol
Q2 | The default parameter passing method used in C++ is ____________.
Q3 | The difference between memory and storage is that memory is __________________ and storage is __________.
Q4 | What is relationship between reliability and failure?
Q5 | Language efficiency can be achieved by ___________.
Q6 | Programming language FOTRAN stands for:
Q7 | The full form of BNF is_____________.
Q8 | Semantic of a program means-
Q9 | What is the output of the following code? Int main(void) { char name='P'; 'P'=10;return 0; }
Q10 | Which of the following represents correct syntax for function declaration?
Q11 | During execution of a program the compiler demands for block of memory to operating system.This block is called as _____________.
Q12 | What is relationship between reliability and failure?
Q13 | #include #define count 10; void main() { printf("%d",count); }
Q14 | When variable used in the program is a whole number,then variable is stored as ___________.
Q15 | Class is _______.
Q16 | What will be the output of following code? #include using namespace std; int main() { enum color{blue,orange,green}; enum fruit{apple,guava,orange}; int i=0; for(i=blue;i<=green;i++) printf("%d",i); return 0; }
Q17 | What is the output of following code? #include using namespace std; int main() { int I; enum test{a=1,b,c,d,e,f,g,h}; for(i=c;i<=g;i++) cout<<" "<
Q18 | Which size should be used when double precision is required?
Q19 | What will be the output of the follwing code? #include using namespace std; int main() { float a=22.22; double b= 22.22; if(a==b) cout<<"Matching"; else cout<<"Not Matching"; return 0; }
Q20 | Explicit type conversion is known as_____.
Q21 | What is the role of compiler by templates?
Q22 | A mathematical model with a collection of operations defined on that model is called__________.
Q23 | What is strong type system?
Q24 | Identify the built-in data type__________________.
Q25 | What will happen if null pointer is converted to boolean___________.