Product Design And Value Engineering Set 6

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This set of Product Design and Value Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Product Design And Value Engineering Set 6

Q1 | In the concept testing stage of new-product development, a product concept in ________ form is presented to groups of target consumers.
Q2 | Mattel's Barbie is an example of an age-defying product. Barbie, simultaneously timeless and trendy, is in the ________ stage of the PLC.
Q3 | Most products in the marketplace are in the ________ stage of the product life cycle.
Q4 | Sales decline in the decline stage of the PLC because of technological advances, increased competition, and ________.
Q5 | Schmidt Steel Corporation lacks the confidence, capital, and capacity to launch its new steel product into full national or international distribution. Even though test market results look promising, what will be management's next step?
Q6 | The advantages of standardizing an international product include all of the following except ________.
Q7 | The major purpose of test marketing is to provide management with the information needed to make a final decision about ________.
Q8 | The PLC concept can be applied by marketers as a useful framework for describing how ________.
Q9 | The search for new-product ideas should be ________ rather than haphazard.
Q10 | The second part of the marketing strategy statement outlines the product's planned price, distribution, and ________ for the first year.
Q11 | The team-based new-product development approach is faster because departments work closely together through _______.
Q12 | Under what circumstances might it be wise for a company to do little or no test marketing?
Q13 | What are the two ways that a company can obtain new products?
Q14 | Which of the following cannot be described by the PLC concept?
Q15 | Which of the following costs is most likely associated with the commercialization stage of newproduct development?
Q16 | Which of the following is not a potential cause of the failure of a new product?
Q17 | Which of the following is a disadvantage of a team-based approach to new-product development?
Q18 | Which of the following is necessary for successful new-product development?
Q19 | Which of the following is perhaps the most important external source of new-product ideas?
Q20 | Which stage in the PLC normally lasts longer and poses strong challenges to the marketing managers?
Q21 | Your firm wants to use external sources for new product ideas. After consulting with a friend you learn that all of the following are common external sources except ________.