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This set of Cloud Computing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Cloud Computing Set 45

Q1 | What second programming language did Google add for App Engine development?
Q2 | what facet of cloud computing helps to guard against downtime and determines costs?
Q3 | Which of these is not a major type of cloud computing usage?
Q4 | Cloud Services have a________ relationship with their customers.
Q5 | What is the name of Rackspace’s cloud service?
Q6 | What is the name of the organization helping to foster security standards for cloud computing?
Q7 | Which of these companies specializes in cloud computing management tools and services?
Q8 | What’s the most popular use case for public cloud computing today?
Q9 | Virtual Machine Ware (VMware) is an example of
Q10 | Cloud Service consists of
Q11 | Google Apps Engine is a type of
Q12 | Which vendor recently launched a cloud-based test and development service for enterprises?
Q13 | Geographic distribution of data across a cloud provider’s network is a problem for many enterprisesbecause it:
Q14 | Amazon Web Services is which type of cloud computing distribution model?
Q15 | Cloud computing networks are designed to support only private or hybrid clouds.
Q16 | A good cloud computing network can be adjusted to provide bandwidth on demand.
Q17 | A larger cloud network can be built as either a layer 3 or layer 4 network.
Q18 | The typical three-layer switching topology will not create latency within a cloud network.
Q19 | The term ‘Cloud’ in cloud-computing refers to ______.
Q20 | In order to participate in cloud-computing, you must be using the following OS _______ .
Q21 | Which of the following is true of cloud computing?
Q22 | What is private cloud?
Q23 | Google Docs is a type of cloud computing.
Q24 | What is Cloud Foundry?
Q25 | Which of the following statements about Google App Engine (GAE) is INCORRECT.