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This set of Cloud Computing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Cloud Computing Set 39

Q1 | Which of the following is also referred to as Short Message Service?
Q2 | Which of the following is a good example of an SMS service organized into a social network and blog?
Q3 | Which of the following language is used to build a message server queue in twitter?
Q4 | Which of the following version of office suite is shown in the figure?
Q5 | HTTP is a ______ protocol
Q6 | websocket is a____ Protocol
Q7 | Websocket protocol uses which communication model
Q8 | An internal cloud is…
Q9 | Which of the following subject area deals with pay-as-you-go usage model?
Q10 | ________ captive requires that the cloud accommodate multiple compliance regimes.
Q11 | Security methods such as private encryption, VLANs and firewalls comes under __________ subject area.
Q12 | Which of the following captive area deals with monitoring?
Q13 | Network bottlenecks occur when ______ data sets must be transferred
Q14 | RDS is a_____ type of database
Q15 | Dynamodb is ____ type of storage
Q16 | Cloud ________ are standardized in order to appeal to the majority of its audience.
Q17 | The reputation for cloud computing services for the quality of those services is shared by _________
Q18 | ___________ is a function of the particular enterprise and application in an on-premises deployment.
Q19 | _________ computing refers to applications and services that run on a distributed network using virtualized resources.
Q20 | . ________ as a utility is a dream that dates from the beginning of the computing industry itself
Q21 | Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is a web service based on
Q22 | ________ has many of the characteristics of what is now being called cloud computing
Q23 | Which of the following is Cloud Platform by Amazon?
Q24 | Which of the following is the deployment model?
Q25 | Which of the following is best known service model?