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This set of Cloud Computing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Cloud Computing Set 16

Q1 | Publishing an application’s data as a REST service requires.
Q2 | Spring supports a series of mechanisms to generate a REST service payload.
Q3 | Annotation added as an input parameter to the handler method.
Q4 | Notation for defining REST endpoints.
Q5 | General-purpose class that allows a response to be rendered using a marshaller.
Q6 | Marshalling is the process of transforming an in-memory representation of an object into a data format.a
Q7 | The marshaller used by MarshallingView belongs to one of a series of XML marshallers.
Q8 | To configure Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller we require.
Q9 | In the case of classesToBeBound, the classes assigned to this property, indicate the class (i.e., object) structure that is to be transformed into XML.
Q10 | Accessing a third-party REST service inside a Spring application.
Q11 | REST service end point comprises an address.
Q12 | XML tag which represents information related to a REST service request.
Q13 | RestTemplate class method which performs an HTTP HEAD operation.
Q14 | A web service contract is described using :-
Q15 | There are two approaches to developing a web service, depending on whether you define the contract first or last.
Q16 | In contrast, the contract-first approach encourages you to think of the service contract first in terms of :-
Q17 | In some cases, it’s also hard to map an object to XML (e.g., an object graph with cyclic references) because there’s actually an impedance mismatch between an object model and an XML model.
Q18 | Service exporters that can export a bean as a remote service based on the :-
Q20 | The standard for deploying web services on the Java EE platform as of Java EE 1.4:-
Q21 | To send objects across the wire, beans need to be encoded using the Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB).
Q22 | If you are deploying into a Java EE 5 (or better) container, you may simply create a bean that is annotated with:-
Q23 | If you are using the JAX-RS Reference Implementation, this intermediary step will involve a tool called wsgen.
Q24 | Spring provides a factory that can export beans annotated with:-
Q25 | Exposing a stand-alone SOAP endpoint using the:-