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This set of Cloud Computing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Cloud Computing Set 15

Q1 | Cloud computing is a                system and it is necessarily unidirectional in nature.
Q2 | Which of the following is the most important area of concern in cloud computing?
Q3 | You can’t count on a cloud provider maintaining your            in the face of government actions.
Q4 | Which of the following architectural standards is working with cloud computing industry?
Q5 | Which of the following is a message queue or transaction system for distributed Internet- based applications?
Q6 | Which of the following is a system for creating block level storage devices that can be used for Amazon Machine Instances in EC2?
Q7 | Which of the following metrics are used to support Elastic Load Balancing?
Q8 | Which of the following cloud storage is mainly meant for developers and to support applications built using Web services?
Q9 | Point out the correct statement.
Q10 | Which of the following is the form of unmanaged cloud storage?
Q11 | Which of the following is an example of an unmanaged storage utility set up to do automated backups?
Q12 | Point out the wrong statement.
Q13 | Which of the following factors led to the demise of many of the early SSPs and to many hosted file services?
Q14 | Which of the following is the simplest unmanaged cloud storage device?
Q15 | The service FreeDrive is storage that allows                  users to view the content of others.
Q16 | Which of the following file transfer utility creates a shared folder metaphor using a Web service?
Q17 | Which of the following offers Storage size of 10GB free t0 100 GB paid?
Q18 | Point out the correct statement.
Q19 | Which of the following is a repeatable task within a business process?
Q20 | Which of the following describes a message-passing taxonomy for a component- based architecture that provides services to clients upon demand?
Q21 | Which of the following is used to define the service component that performs the service?
Q22 | Which of the following is commonly used to describe the service interface, how to bind information, and the nature of the component’s service or endpoint?
Q23 | Which of the following provides commands for defining logic using conditional statements?
Q24 | Which of the following is used as middleware layer in the following figure?
Q25 | To publish a REST service with Spring.