Research Methodology Of Sociology Set 2

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This set of Research Methodology of Sociology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Research Methodology Of Sociology Set 2

Q1 | Who developed the deductive strategy?
Q2 | Stanley distinguished reflexivity into two; Descriptive reflexivity and ………………….?
Q3 | The word “episteme” means ……………………?
Q4 | Epistemology is the branch of philosophy, which is concerned with …………………….?
Q5 | ………………………… is the branch of philosophy, which study the nature, methodsand limits of human knowledge?
Q6 | ………………………. Emphasizing that reality exists outside of the individual mind?
Q7 | Which is not a classification of continuous variable?
Q8 | The thought ………………………. Point out that truth or meaning arises in and out ofour engagement with the realities in our world?
Q9 | The practice of formulate generalization from a specific case. It known as …………….?
Q10 | The doctrine ………………………… concerned with that reality can be communicatedin a range of symbol and language framework?
Q11 | Who said that “interpretisvism is an epistemology that it is necessary for the researcher tounderstand difference between human in our role as social actors”?
Q12 | The branch of philosophy which deals with “study of interpretation”
Q13 | ……………………….. is to use acquire first hand and in-depth knowledge from people?
Q14 | The philosophical approach begin with the deciphering scriptural writing?
Q15 | Hermeneutics is the study of …………………….?
Q16 | Find out the philosopher is related to hermeneutics tradition?
Q17 | The terms hermeneutics re-enactment and reproductive enactment proposed by ………?
Q18 | “Hermeneutic research method is referred to as hermeneutics reconstruction or basichermeneutics” this concept put forwarded by ……………………….?
Q19 | “Truth and method” written by ……………………….?
Q20 | Which philosophical branch argue that understanding is the interpretative act ofintegrating particular thins such as language, signs and events into a meaningful whole?
Q21 | “Being and time” written by ……………..?
Q22 | The term “science” is derived from ………………………… language?
Q23 | “Science” derived from ……………………….?
Q24 | The word “scientia” means ……………………….?
Q25 | Basic science also known as ………………………?