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This set of Research Methodology 2 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Research Methodology II Set 2

Q1 | Find out mean of this distribution?6, 5, 7, 3, 8, 2, 6, 6, 3
Q2 | ……………….. are used to arrange variables in a specific order?
Q3 | Which type of validity is related to our capacity to predict certain events or to forecast thepresence of certain present circumstance?
Q4 | Who is regarded as the father of statistics?
Q5 | Which measures of central tendency take into account the average score of adistribution/observation?
Q6 | The literal meaning of dispersion is ……………….?
Q7 | An investigator can forecast the most precise value of a variable on the basis of availablevalue, it is known as ………………?
Q8 | Which of the following software helps a researcher to make bibliography?
Q9 | Variable that can take all possible values in are called ………………..?
Q10 | “Statistics is the science which deals with collection, classification and tabulation ofnumerical facts as the basis for explanation, description and comparison of phenomenon” who defined?
Q11 | ………………… is indeed the exact center of the distribution of rating?
Q12 | The use of sampling information to draw inferences about the population is known as………………?
Q13 | Find the median of the set of numbers following cases6, 3, 9, 12, 20, 7, 15, 18, 5
Q14 | Which of the following are major objectives of measures or dispersion?
Q15 | Find out odd one.
Q16 | Any change of value in one variable will also introduce change in the other variablecorresponding to the change in the value of the first variable, is known as……….?
Q17 | Which of the following is not a techniques for construction of scale?
Q18 | Find out an example for cumulative scale?
Q19 | Statistics are not as simply means of gathering numerical data but also ………………?
Q20 | The main purpose of statistics are ……………………?
Q21 | What are the major limitations of statistics?
Q22 | In the number of observations is odd, then the ……..………… is the middle valueafter the observations have been arranged in ascending order or magnitude?
Q23 | ……………….. is a relationship between two variables in which both variables movein the same direction?
Q24 | The process of arranging the data into groups or classes according to resemblances andsimilarities, is called ………………?
Q25 | Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding good classification?