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This set of Gender Studies Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Gender Studies Set 2

Q1 | who had written “the Reproduction of mothering”
Q2 | ”culture is the determinant of gender roles” who opined that
Q3 | who had written ‘the second sex’
Q4 | Who opined that ‘one is not born, but rather one becomes, a woman’
Q5 | the postmodern feminism sees gender in terms of
Q6 | Charlotte Hooper’s Manly States (2001) is an example of
Q7 | Who defined Gender as a social role performed/enacted by theindividuals, and validated and accepted by society
Q8 | the opinion “gender is really only to the extent that it is performed” ,Is related to
Q9 | Queer theory finds its roots in
Q10 | The quote “queer theory is a discipline which is difficult to bedisciplined” to
Q11 | Who coined the term queer theory
Q12 | find one who not related to queer theory
Q13 | Queer theory became an area of study in the Year
Q14 | who opinioned that “culture has high value than nature .culturemeans by which man controls and regulate the nature.
Q15 | who developed the term ‘cultural hegemony’
Q16 | Who developed the term Hegemonic Masculinity
Q17 | ”Patriarchal systems are intertwined with wide variety of otherhierarchical relations (e.g. class, race, nation);consequently, not all men receive the same share of patriarchal dividend”. Who Opinioned.
Q18 | The difference in the levels of purity/impurity between men andwomen is much ………. among the lower castes than among the high castes.
Q19 | Religion is a gendered institution who says that.
Q20 | in which of these books Sigmund Frued presented his theory ofpsychosexual development .
Q21 | Giving birth to a child is
Q22 | Children might have awareness of ,and attach some significance togender as early as 18 months to two years. According to whome.
Q23 | who breaks the formation of Gender identity to four parts.
Q24 | A famous Indian eco feminist
Q25 | Beliefs that people have about features and characteristics of malesand females, are