Preface to the Lyrical Ballads - William WordsWorth Set 2

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This set of Literary Criticism Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Preface to the Lyrical Ballads - William WordsWorth Set 2

Q1 | Wordsworth feels that Poetry is the image of
Q2 | The language of every good poem can in no respect differ from that of good __.
Q3 | Wordsworth said the poet should use the __ for removing what would otherwise bepainful or disgusting in the passion.
Q4 | Who said that poetry is the most philosophic of all writing?
Q5 | In what ways is Lyrical Ballads different from much of the poetry that was popular when it was published?
Q6 | According to Wordsworth, poetic diction has
Q7 | According to Wordsworth, prose and poetry differs by
Q8 | only the best poetry according to Arnold is capable of performing its ___
Q9 | according to Arnold, poetry interprets life in ____ ways.
Q10 | the first great principle of criticism emancipated by Arnold is __________
Q11 | Poetry according to Arnold, attaches its emotion to the
Q12 | According to Arnold, the scantiest and frailest of classics in English poetry is
Q13 | Whom did Arnold regard as the high priest of prose and reason
Q14 | In the study of poetry Arnold writes that we have to turn to poetry to
Q15 | What confuses the distinctions between excellent and inferior, sound and unsound, true and untrue or only half-true in poetry?
Q16 | The definition of poetry as enunciated by Matthew Arnold in 'The Study of Poetry" is
Q17 | What has the power of forming, sustaining and delighting us as nothing else can?
Q18 | According to Matthew Arnold, Chaucer is not one of the great classics because
Q19 | According to Matthew Arnold, poetry is –
Q20 | Who, according to Arnold is the father of English poetry?
Q21 | In The Study of Poetry, Arnold puts stress on _______________ in poetry.
Q22 | The ‘touchstone method’ was propagated by –
Q23 | Arnold regards Dryden and Pope as the Classics of English __________.
Q24 | “The best poetry will be found to have a power of forming, sustaining and delightingus, as nothing else can” was said by –
Q25 | Middleton Murry had criticized the critical work of –