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This set of Operating System (OS) Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Operating System Set 21

Q1 | A block device transfers                          
Q2 | What is a dedicated device?
Q3 | A keyboard is an example of a device that is accessed through a                      interface.
Q4 | In polling                          
Q5 | A non blocking system call
Q6 | An asynchronous call                          
Q7 | Buffering is done to                          
Q8 | Caching is                  spooling.
Q9 | Caching                          
Q10 | Spooling                          
Q11 | The                  keeps state information about the use of I/O components.
Q12 | The kernel data structures include
Q13 | If the number of cycles spent busy – waiting is not excessive, then                          
Q14 | A                  is a full duplex connection between a device driver and a user level process.
Q15 | The first linux kernel which supports the SMP hardware?
Q16 | Which one of the following linux file system does not support journaling feature?
Q17 | Which binary format is supported by linux?
Q18 | Which one of the following bootloader is not used by linux?
Q19 | The first process launched by the linux kernel is                        
Q20 | Which desktop environment is not used in any linux distribution?
Q21 | Standard set of functions through which interacts with kernel is defined by
Q22 | What is Linux?
Q23 | Which one of the following is not a linux distribution?
Q24 | Which one of the following is not shared by threads?
Q25 | A process can be