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This set of Cloud Computing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Cloud Computing Set 40

Q1 | Which of the architectural layer is used as a front end in cloud computing?
Q2 | Which of the following benefit is provided by the PaaS service provider
Q3 | Communication between services is done widely using _______ protocol
Q4 | Which of the following provider rely on the virtual machine technology to deliver servers?
Q5 | Which of the following component is called hypervisor?
Q6 | Applications such as a Web server or database server that can run on a virtual machine image are referred to as __
Q7 | Amazon Machine Images are virtual appliances that have been packaged to run on the grid of ____ nodes.
Q8 | __________ is a CPU emulator and virtual machine monitor
Q9 | Which of the following provider rely on the virtual machine technology to deliver servers?
Q10 | __________ is a CPU emulator and virtual machine monitor
Q11 | The source of HDFS architecture in Hadoop originated as
Q12 | What is default replication factor?
Q13 | What is HDFS Block in Hadoop?
Q14 | The need for data replication can arise in various scenarios like
Q15 | If the IP address or hostname of a data node changes
Q16 | For the frequently accessed HDFS files the blocks are cached in
Q17 | In HDFS the files cannot be
Q18 | Which of the following is not the feature of Network management systems?
Q19 | Which of the following service provider provides the least amount of built in security?
Q20 | Point out the correct statement.
Q21 | Point out the wrong statement.
Q22 | Which of the following is the operational domain of CSA(Cloud Security Alliance)?
Q23 | Which of the following is considered an essential element in cloud computing by CSA?
Q24 | Which of the following is used for Web performance management and load testing?
Q25 | Which of the following functional cloud computing hardware/software stack is the Cloud Reference Model?