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This set of History of the Early World Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on History Of The Early World Set 2

Q1 | The Ancient Romans’ most significant contribution to Europe has been in the area of
Q2 | An immediate result of the fall of the Roman Empire was
Q3 | The Ancient Athenians are credited with
Q4 | Both the Ancient Romans and the Ancient Chinese viewed foreigners asbarbarians. This is an example of
Q5 | A major contribution of the Roman Republic to Western European culture was the
Q6 | Which ancient civilization established the basis of western democracy?
Q7 | The political system of the Ancient Roman Empire was characterized by
Q8 | Which societal condition was basic to the development of Greek philosophy?
Q9 | Important long-term contributions of Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations areprimarily found in the area of
Q10 | The Ancient Greek city-state of Sparta
Q11 | An immediate result of the fall of the Roman Empire was
Q12 | Which societal condition was basic to the development of Greek philosophy andRenaissance art?
Q13 | An influence that spread from the Byzantine Empire to Early Russia was the
Q14 | The adoption of the Eastern Orthodox religion and the Cyrillic alphabet by theRussian people occurred as a result of
Q15 | One similarity between Axum, Kush, and Nubia was that they were
Q16 | One similarity between the decline of the Roman Empire and the fall of theManchu Dynasty was that both initially led to
Q17 | A major contribution of the Roman Empire to Western society was thedevelopment of
Q18 | After the fall of Rome, the eastern portion of the Roman Empire became known as the
Q19 | Which conclusion can be drawn from a study of the early civilizations of Axium, Kush,Mali and Songhai?
Q20 | A major effect of the decline of the Roman Empire was that Western Europe
Q21 | Which characteristic was common to the Golden Age of Greece and the ItalianRenaissance?
Q22 | During the centuries of dynastic rule, the Chinese rejected other cultures asinferior to their own. This situation illustrates the concept of
Q23 | Alexander the Great’s conquests of Greece, Asia Minor, Egypt, and Persia led to the
Q24 | On which Continent is Greece located?
Q25 | What was the Roman name for the king of the gods?