Radiation And Microwave Techniques Set 8

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This set of Radiation and Microwave Techniques Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Radiation And Microwave Techniques Set 8

Q1 | Which of the following can be used for amplification of microwave energy?
Q2 | When the electric field applied to GaAs specimen is less than the threshold electricfield, the current in the material:
Q3 | The primary purpose of the helix in a traveling-wave tube is to
Q4 | A cavity resonator can be represented by
Q5 | Ionospheric preparation is not possible for microwaves because
Q6 | Which of the following is not possible in a circular wave guide ?
Q7 | The maximum theoretical output circuit efficiency of a double resonator klystronamplifier is
Q8 | The substrate of an MMIC must be a _____________ to accommodate thefabrication of all the type of devices.
Q9 | For the capacitors used in MMICs, the insulating dielectric films used are:
Q10 | Processing in MMICs is done by __________