Operating System Architecture Set 17

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This set of Operating System Architecture Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Operating System Architecture Set 17

Q1 | The administrative information of a file is stored in
Q2 | The -t option to ls is used for
Q3 | The systems internal name to file is
Q4 | The first tow bytes in each directory entry are
Q5 | The rm command removes
Q6 | primary parts oc c comipler is in
Q7 | The basic program such as who and ed resids in
Q8 | various administrative fils such as password file in
Q9 | Short lived files created during execution are stored in
Q10 | which of following features of UNIX may be used for IPC
Q11 | In a system 5 peole are currently using VI editor, then no. of currosonding rocesses will be
Q12 | the command echo welcome >/dev/tty
Q13 | dev/nul
Q14 | The advantage of binary files over text file is
Q15 | UNIX uses ls to list files in a directory. The corresponding command in MS environment is
Q16 | For some file the access permissions are modified to 764. Which of the following interpretation is valid:
Q17 | Which directory under the root contains the information on devices
Q18 | Which option makes the command to ask the user for confirmation before removing each file
Q19 | which opttion deletes all files in the current directory and all its subdirectories
Q20 | which option is used for forcing removal operation
Q21 | which option in used for deleting everything in current directory and below.
Q22 | which command is used for renaming a file
Q23 | which command is used for displaying contents of a file
Q24 | which command is used for copying a file
Q25 | Which command is used to determine a type of file